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Find care for your mental health before, during and after pregnancy

Find out how to get help for your mental health before, during and after pregnancy.

Or for information about things you can do yourself, and symptoms to look out for, find out more about mental health during pregnancy.

Talk to a midwife, health visitor or GP

If you feel you need help with your mental health, talk to a midwife, health visitor or GP. You can choose whichever healthcare professional you're most comfortable with.

They'll be able to refer you to a specialist community perinatal mental health team, or a mother and baby mental health unit (MBU) if you need it. Perinatal means the time you are pregnant and up to 12 months after giving birth.

Learn more about mother and baby mental health units

Mother and baby units (MBUs) are for people who need treatment in hospital for a severe mental health condition. You can keep your baby with you while you have treatment. You need to be referred to an MBU by a healthcare professional.

NHS therapy and counselling services

NHS talking therapies services are for people in England aged 18 or over. They are for anyone who needs help with their mental health, including before, during or after pregnancy.

Talking therapies can treat conditions like:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • eating disorders

You can talk to a GP about NHS talking therapies services. Or you can get help from an NHS talking therapy service directly, without needing to speak to a GP.

Support from charities

Some charities also offer support for mental health before, during and after pregnancy. You can talk to a GP, health visitor or midwife about local charities and support groups. The Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) also has information about other places you can get help.


Tommy's is a charity offering mental health support and advice. You can speak to one of Tommy's midwives about your pregnancy.


Mind is a national charity that can give you advice on your mental health including before, during and after pregnancy.

Important: If you need help right now

If you need to talk to someone now, call 111, contact a GP or maternity unit, or find a local NHS urgent mental health helpline for 24-hour advice and support.

Immediate action required: Call 999 if:

  • you think there's a risk you might harm your baby or yourself

Learn about mental health before, during and after pregnancy

Page last reviewed: 5 July 2022
Next review due: 5 July 2025