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Common questions about simeticone - Brand names: Wind-eze, WindSetlers, Infacol, Dentinox Colic Drops

How does simeticone work?

Simeticone works by bringing together the small gas bubbles in your gut to form bigger bubbles. The wind can then leave your body more easily (by burping or farting).

Simeticone does not pass into your blood. It stays in the gut until it leaves your body in poo.

When will I or my baby feel better?

Simeticone usually starts to work within about 30 minutes. Liquids or chewable tablets may work slightly more quickly than non-chewable tablets or capsules.

For colic, you may need to give it to your baby for a few days to see the full benefits. However there's not much scientific evidence that simeticone really works for colic.

It may take a few days to work fully if you're taking it for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other long-term conditions that cause bloating.

Speak to a doctor or your health visitor if the symptoms get worse or do not improve within a few days.

How good is it for treating colic and trapped wind?

For colic, there's not much scientific evidence that simeticone really works.

In studies where simeticone was used alongside a dummy treatment (placebo), there was not much difference between them.

We cannot be certain that it really works for bloating, trapped wind or indigestion either.

In studies, there was not much difference between taking simeticone and antacids together compared to taking antacids on their own.

One theory is that your symptoms (or your baby's) are not actually due to trapped wind. They may be caused by something else.

Is simeticone the same as dimeticone?

Simeticone is not the same as dimeticone.

Dimeticone is a substance found in many cosmetics and medicines, including nappy rash creams and treatments for headlice.

Simeticone is activated dimeticone. It contains dimeticone, mixed with silicon dioxide or silica gel. This makes the medicine work better to get rid of the wind in your gut.

Are there other medicines for trapped wind or colic?

There are several other medicines that you can try for trapped wind. Ask a pharmacist for advice, particularly if it's for a baby.

Gripe water (which contains dill seed oil) works by breaking down trapped gas bubbles. It can be used to treat colic in babies aged 1 month and above.

However, like simeticone, there's not much evidence that it works for colic.

There are other medicines for treating colic, bloating or trapped wind that work differently to simeticone and gripe water. These include:

  • dicycloverine and peppermint oil to reduce spasms in the stomach
  • Colief to help break down the natural sugars in milk (lactose)
  • activated charcoal to trap gas bubbles
  • sodium bicarbonate and antacids to neutralise stomach acid

Not all of these can be given to babies or children. Check the leaflet or ask your health visitor or pharmacist if you're not sure.

Can I drink alcohol while taking simeticone?

Simeticone is not affected by alcohol.

However, if you're taking a medicine that contains simeticone combined with other ingredients, read the leaflet to check it's safe to drink alcohol.

Ask a pharmacist if you're not sure.

Is there any food or drink I need to avoid?

There are no foods or drinks that you need to avoid when taking simeticone.

However, if you're bothered by bloating, farting (flatulence) or trapped wind, it may help to:

  • avoid or cut down on foods that may cause bloating such as onions, cabbage, sprouts, turnips or beans and lentils (pulses)
  • avoid or cut down on fatty and spicy foods
  • have fewer fizzy drinks
  • reduce caffeine (found in coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks and chocolate)

Find out more about good foods to help your digestion.

Can lifestyle changes help with bloating and trapped wind?

There are several things you can do to help prevent bloating and trapped wind.

It's a good idea to:

  • avoid foods that are known to cause farting (flatulence), including onions, cabbage, turnips, beans and lentils
  • avoid or cut down on fatty and spicy foods
  • avoid chewing gum
  • avoid using straws for drinking
  • reduce or avoid drinking fizzy drinks and drinks containing caffeine, such as tea, coffee, cola and energy drinks
  • eat slowly
  • eat more fibre to prevent constipation – if you find high-fibre foods such as cereal or grains cause bloating, eat more fruits and vegetables instead to ensure you get enough fibre
  • quit smoking if you smoke
Are there any other things that help with colic?

Talk to your health visitor for advice on soothing a baby with colic.

They may suggest trying things such as:

  • sitting or holding your baby upright when feeding them, to stop them from swallowing air
  • massaging your baby's tummy in a clockwise direction
  • winding your baby during and after feeds, if needed
  • changing the brand of formula or using slow-flow or anti-colic teats if you give your baby a bottle
  • gently rocking your baby over your shoulder, or in their basket or crib, or pushing them in their pram
  • giving your baby a warm bath

You may have heard about trying:

  • herbal and probiotic supplements
  • changing your diet if you're breastfeeding
  • using gentle pressure on your baby's spine (spinal manipulation) or skull (cranial osteopathy)

However, there's very little evidence these things work. Speak to your health visitor for advice and support.

Page last reviewed: 13 October 2022
Next review due: 13 October 2025