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Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility while using fluticasone skin creams - Brand name: Cutivate

Fluticasone skin creams and pregnancy

Fluticasone skin creams can be used in pregnancy.

Very little of the medicine gets into your blood and almost none gets to your baby. Even if a small amount does get to your baby, it will not harm them.

Fluticasone skin creams and breastfeeding

You can use fluticasone cream or ointment while you're breastfeeding.

It is not known how much passes into breast milk, but it's likely to be a tiny amount so your baby will not absorb a lot of fluticasone into their body. It's unlikely to cause any side effects in your baby.

Take care that your baby does not touch any areas of your body when you've used fluticasone. Wash your hands before touching your baby.

It's usually best to use a weaker steroid medicine if you need to apply it to your breasts. Your doctor or pharmacist will be able to advise you. However, if you do need to use fluticasone wash off any cream or ointment from your breasts or nipples, then wash your hands before feeding your baby.

It's usually better to use cream rather than ointment when breastfeeding, as it's easier to wash off.

If you notice that your baby is not feeding as well as usual, or if you have any other concerns about your baby, talk to your health visitor, midwife, pharmacist or doctor as soon as possible.

Fluticasone skin creams and fertility

There's no evidence that fluticasone skin cream affects fertility in either men or women.

Non-urgent advice: Tell your doctor if you're:

  • trying to get pregnant
  • pregnant
  • breastfeeding

Find out more about how using steroid creams such as fluticasone can affect you and your baby on the Best Use of Medicines in Pregnancy (BUMPs) website.

Page last reviewed: 20 February 2023
Next review due: 20 February 2026