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Search results for vitamins

  • Rickets and osteomalacia - Causes

    Rickets usually occurs because of a lack of vitamin D or calcium, although it can also be caused by a genetic defect or another health condition.

  • Malnutrition – Treatment

    Find out about treatments for malnutrition, including dietary changes and supplements, feeding tubes, and care and support services. Also, read about treating malnutrition in children.

  • Malnutrition – Causes

    Find out what causes malnutrition. It can be caused by a long-term health condition that leads to a loss of appetite or disrupts the body's ability to digest food or absorb nutrients.

  • Coeliac disease - Symptoms

    Find out about the symptoms of coeliac disease. Diarrhoea is a common symptom, caused by the small bowel (intestines) not being able to absorb nutrients.

  • Breastfeeding and diet

    Advice on eating a healthy diet while you are breastfeeding, including advice on what vitamins you need.

  • Probiotics

    Probiotics are thought to help restore the natural balance of bacteria in your gut when it's been disrupted by an illness or treatment. There's some evidence that probiotics may be helpful in some cases, but there's little evidence to support many health claims made about them.

  • Malnutrition

    Find out about malnutrition, including the signs and symptoms, who's at risk, when to see a GP, and how it's treated.

  • Coeliac disease

    Find out about coeliac disease, an autoimmune disease affecting the digestive system that makes a person have an adverse reaction to gluten.

  • Rickets and osteomalacia - Prevention

    There are several steps you can take to help prevent rickets. These include ensuring your child has a healthy, balanced diet and spends some time outside in the sun.

  • Vitiligo - Treatment

    Read about the treatments for vitiligo, which include camouflage creams, topical corticosteroids, other types of topical medication and depigmentation.