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Search results for Acne

  • Acne

    Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point. It causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that's hot or painful to touch.

  • Acne - Treatment

    Treatment for acne depends on how severe it is. It can take several months of treatment before acne symptoms improve.

  • Acne - Diagnosis

    Your GP will be able diagnosis acne by looking at your skin. This will involve examining your face, chest and back for the different types of spot.

  • Acne - Causes

    Teenage acne is thought to be triggered by increased levels of a hormone called testosterone, which occurs during puberty.

  • Acne - Complications

    Acne scarring can sometimes develop as a complication of acne. This is more common when the most serious types of spots burst and damage nearby skin.

  • Newborn blood spot test

    Your guide to the newborn blood spot (heel prick) test, including which diseases it screens for and when to expect the results

  • Newborn blood spot screening FAQs

    All your questions about the newborn blood spot (heel prick) test answered, including what happens to your baby's blood spot card and why a second sample may be needed.

  • Newborn blood spot cards explained

    What happens to your baby's blood spot card once they've been tested and how blood spot cards can be used for research to help improve screening.

  • Keratosis pilaris

    Read about keratosis pilaris, which is a common, harmless condition where the skin becomes rough and bumpy, as if covered in permanent goose pimples.

  • Head lice and nits

    Find out how to spot head lice, how to get rid of them and how they spread.