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  • Braces and orthodontics

    Find out about braces and orthodontics, including how much they cost on the NHS or privately, and how to care for your teeth while wearing braces.

  • Barium enema

    Read about having a barium enema, including what you need to do to prepare, what happens during the test, and what happens afterwards.

  • Angiography

    Find out why angiography is used, what happens during the procedure, and the possible risks involved. Also, read about the different types of angiography.

  • Turner syndrome - Causes

    Turner syndrome is a genetic condition caused by a missing or incomplete sex chromosome.

  • Hand tendon repair - How it's performed

    Read about how an extensor tendon repair and flexor tendon repair are carried out.

  • What happens at your breast screening appointment

    Find out what happens when you have breast screening and what you can do to prepare.

  • Angiography - What happens

    Find out about preparing for angiography, and what happens during and after the procedure.

  • Tattoo removal

    Find out about tattoo removal including how much it costs, the limitations, how to find a suitably qualified practitioner, what the procedure involves and what to do if things go wrong.

  • Permanent make-up

    Find out about how permanent make-up, also known as micropigmentation, can create long-lasting eyeliner, lipliner or eyebrow definition. What's involved, the costs and potential risks.

  • Lung cancer - Diagnosis

    See a GP if you have symptoms of lung cancer, such as breathlessness or a persistent cough.