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  • Facelift (rhytidectomy)

    A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure to lift up and pull back the skin to make the face tighter and smoother.

  • Ear correction surgery, including ear pinning

    Find out about ear correction surgery, which can be used to alter the size or shape of the ears, or pin them back if they stick out. Pinning back the ears is known as an otoplasty or pinnaplasty.

  • Your post-pregnancy body

    Tips and exercises to help you get back into shape after birth. Includes advice on diastasis recti (separated stomach muscles), how to ease back pain and safe exercises for the pelvic floor and stomach.

  • Nappy rash

    Find out what causes nappy rash and how you can treat it yourself and prevent it from coming back.

  • Vertigo

    Vertigo is a symptom, rather than a condition in itself. It's the feeling that you, or the environment around you, is moving or spinning.

  • Uveitis

    Find out about an inflammation in your eye called uveitis, including symptoms, what causes it, when to get help and how it's treated.

  • Thrush in men and women

    Find out more about thrush (yeast infection), including what the symptoms are, how it's treated, why it happens and how to help prevent it.

  • Teeth whitening

    Find out about teeth whitening including who can perform it, what the procedure involves and what the risks are.

  • Tailbone (coccyx) pain

    Find out about tailbone (coccyx) pain, including how to ease the pain yourself and when to get medical help. Read about symptoms, causes and treatments.

  • Scoliosis

    Find out what scoliosis is, why it happens and how it's treated.