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  • Priapism (painful erections)

    Read about priapism, a persistent, often painful erection. If it lasts for more than 3 to 4 hours, go to A&E to prevent permanent damage.

  • Hypothermia

    Find out about hypothermia, a dangerous drop in body temperature below 35C (normal body temperature is around 37C). Go to A&E or call 999 immediately if someone has symptoms of hypothermia.

  • First aid - Recovery position

    Find out how to put a casualty who is unconscious but breathing into the recovery position. Also, read about what to do if you think someone has a spinal injury.

  • Is your baby or toddler seriously ill?

    How to recognise warning signs of serious illness in children under 5, such as cold hands and feet, rapid breathing, or mottled skin. Plus, advice on when to call an ambulance or take your child to A&E.

  • When to go to A&E

    Find out when to go to A&E in an emergency.

  • When to visit an urgent treatment centre (UTC)

    Read about urgent treatment centres (UTCs), including when to use them and how to get medical help.

  • How and when to take spironolactone

    NHS medicines information on dosage for spironolactone, how to take it and what to do if you miss a dose or take too much.

  • How and when to take sitagliptin

    NHS medicines information on dosage for sitagliptin, how to take it and what to do if you miss a dose or take too much.

  • How and when to take sertraline

    NHS medicines information on dosage for sertraline, how to take it and what to do if you miss a dose or take too much.

  • How and when to take naproxen

    NHS medicines information on dosage for naproxen, how to take it and what to do if you miss a dose or take too much.