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Search results for dentist hartlepool

  • Toothache

    Read about the causes of toothache, when to see a dentist, and how toothache can be relieved and prevented.

  • Tooth decay

    Find out about tooth decay, including the symptoms, when to see a dentist, how it’s treated and how it can be prevented.

  • Knocked-out tooth

    A knocked-out tooth can usually be saved by putting it back in place or in milk as soon as possible, before seeing a dentist.

  • Dentures (false teeth)

    Read about the two types of dentures – complete dentures and partial dentures. Find out how dentures are fitted, how to care for your dentures and when to see your dentist.

  • Chipped, broken or cracked tooth

    Find out how a dentist can treat a chipped, broken or cracked tooth.

  • Wisdom tooth removal - How it's performed

    Find out how a dentist or a specialist surgeon working in a hospital removes a wisdom tooth or teeth.

  • Trigeminal neuralgia - Diagnosis

    Find out how trigeminal neuralgia is diagnosed. As the pain is often felt in the jaw, teeth or gums, many people often visit a dentist initially, rather than a GP.

  • Choosing who will do your cosmetic procedure

    NHS information and advice about choosing who will do your cosmetic procedure. Find out how to check the surgeon, dentist or practitioner has the qualifications, experience and insurance to carry out your procedure.

  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)

    Read about teeth grinding (bruxism). Find out what causes it, what the associated symptoms are, when to get medical help and how it can be treated.

  • Mouth ulcers

    Find out about mouth ulcers, including what they look like, what causes them, how to treat them, and how to avoid getting them.