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North Baddesley Surgery - Ratings and reviews


Displaying 11 to 12 of 12

  1. Review titled Awful

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 16 September 2022

    Terrible surgery. Impossible to reach the surgery over the phone, they never pick up. Sometimes you get through and they hang up or the line disconnects. Can never get an appointment in a reasonable time frame. Admin / reception disorganised and shambolic. Highly suggest using a different Gp service .

    Visited September 2022

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled North Baddesley Surgery

    Replied on 28 February 2023

    Dear patient. thank you for taking the time to feed back the disappointment you feel when trying to contact us by telephone. We are almost at the point of resolving our telephony issues with the aid of our commissioners. Please be assured our reception staff do not hang up on patients unless they are being verbally aggressive, in which instance, the patient will be given warning that the call will be ended. We have appointed a Patient Liaison Officer, Lorraine, who would be very happy to discuss your concerns with your either over the telephone or during a face to face appointment. It is very disappointing to read your negative comments regarding our reception team so perhaps you would contact us to make an appointment with Lorraine in order to discuss this further. With kind regards, Claire Cairncross, Practice Manager.

    Report as unsuitable

  2. Review titled Some Doctors are good some have left I’m glad to say

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Cheryl Lang - Posted on 31 May 2022

    My experience with the practice reception is disgraceful today I was on hold for two hours I had to drive to the surgery to book an appointment it’s a joke at the beginning of may I received a message to say you will now be able to book an appointment the same day as you phone???? I’ve tried in line and by calling it doesn’t happen I’ve tried calling on Numerous occasions to no avail there is always the excuse of short staff due to illness maybe but on two occasions I went to the surgery with my phone still calling the surgery there was not a phone ringing the phone was not manned and staff were stood about chatting on there own mobile phones now they either have a light flashing when there is a call coming in or the lines are disconnected because not a soul was talking on the phone I have even told the doctor and she was going to report it to the manager sometimes the excuse is it’s the contractor we are trying to sort it out I made a complaint about a Doctor this was never addressed I’ve made a complaint to the patients access this was not investigated My whole experience with this practice is undoubtedly the worst ever when you phone for an appointment you don’t expect the call to be diverted to Nottingham or a private number but it has happened Thankfully I have free calls but I know of an elderly couple that have I’ll health and in one week they payed £25 just trying to get through to the Doctors and gave up in the end Please would somebody contact me and try to explain why when you need to see a Doctor you just can’t get through I don’t phone to have a lonely chat it’s because I need an appointment Mrs Cheryl Lang

    Visited May 2022

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled North Baddesley Surgery

    Replied on 08 June 2022

    Dear Mrs Lang Thank you for your feedback. I am very sorry you to learn that you are unhappy with the service you have received from the Practice, but I am grateful you have brought this to my attention. I absolutely appreciate the frustration you must have been feeling whilst holding on the telephone. The reason for this is a shortage of admin staff due to illness, annual leave and staff resigning for other employment which is less demanding on them. Telephones are answered at both sites by as many staff as possible. May I suggest, when appropriate, you could use the e-consult system through our website which allows you to contact us online with your symptoms/questions. These are reviewed by a clinician the same day and appropriate action advised. We were aware of calls redirecting to a private company totally unconnected to the Practice, however, this was urgently rectified by the telephone company. The volume on the telephones is often turned down to enable staff to hear patients and each other. Mobile phones are permitted if a staff member is expecting an urgent call which cannot be avoided. They do also need to converse with each other regularly during the day over the many queries they receive. A number of our staff are new to the Team and need guidance. I deeply apologise if you have made previous complaints that have not been acknowledged. Please re-submit them, if you feel they are still relevant and we will investigate them separately. The Partners introduced a new appointment process in May which provides bookable on the day routine and urgent appointments. Their aim is to provide continuity of care with patients’ named GPs whenever possible. It also allows for flexibility if a doctor or nurse is unwell. The system is still in its infancy and is constantly reviewed by clinicians and admin staff, and of course patient feedback has a great part to play in this too. Thank you once again for your valuable feedback. With kind regards. Claire Cairncross, Practice Manager

    Report as unsuitable