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CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - The Royal Oldham Hospital

The Royal Oldham Hospital, OL1 2JH

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  1. Review titled Don’t come here

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 20 May 2024

    I started the process to get tested for adhd around 2 years ago. I had to wait a longgg time for the appointment and when we came they didn’t even know we were coming because our caseworker had quit and no one had ever taken the file so I was just forgotten about. To make this worse when I got in the app they told me it was an asd test when it was supposed to be adhd and they claimed my school hadn’t sent both forms and messed it up even though the next day school showed me proof and confirmation from you receiving both forms so you as camhs messed up. Then in my app you told me I would have to wait a whole year again to be put back on the waiting list because of your mistake. Luckily my school sorted it out for me within 2 months however it’s taken months and months to finally get to the point where I get to meet the psychiatrist for diagnosis and now they’re saying it could be many more months until they can even set a confirmation for my app?? It’s actually embarrassing at this point never ever come here

    Visited April 2024

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - The Royal Oldham Hospital

    Replied on 21 May 2024

    Dear Patient, thank you for taking the time to submit your review. I am sorry to read about the issues you have encountered whilst accessing Oldham CAMHS service. For the service to be able to look into this further for you and see why you have not received the service we would expect would you be able to contact the Operation Manager on 0161 716 2020 so that they can discuss this in more detail with you. You can also raise any concerns you have in relation to your experience with the PALS service on 0161 716 3178. Kind Regards patient feedback team.

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  2. Review titled Needs reform Now

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 07 February 2024

    Shocking service, my daughter was dropped from camhs when she had mental health problems, we had to fund our own therapist who also said camhs should not of dropped her, the lady at camhs said its to do with funding. My daughter now has severe depression with no help available. What a shocking service

    Visited June 2023

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    Review titled CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - The Royal Oldham Hospital

    Replied on 21 May 2024

    Thank you for taking the time to feedback on the experience that you and your daughter had whilst accessing Oldham CAMHS. As your post is anonymous it would really help us if you could contact the service directly on 0161 716 2020 and ask to speak to the Operational Manager, who will be able to look into this for you. You can also raise any concerns you have with our PALS and Complaints team on 0161 716 3178. kind regards patient feedback team.

    Report as unsuitable

  3. Review titled Horrific

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 25 November 2023

    So I got a referral from my doctors in March this year only for my referral last month then I had a message that I was then taken off the referral list so I called back and made another referral from my doctors, I pesiffically said to them not to send any letter to my address and spoke in confidence to Camhs however while speaking to them they became extremely reluctant to help me and said put a nice movie on and get some sleep 2 days later a letter addressed to my mum came through the post after saying no letters sent to my address, don’t trust and they are absolutely useless waiting for manager to call me let’s see if they can explain themselves don’t put ur child through this I found teen health so much better to talk to and they r very trusting and reliable unlike camhs

    Visited March 2023

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    Review titled CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - The Royal Oldham Hospital

    Replied on 19 January 2024

    Dear patient ,thank you for taking the time to post your review. Apologies for the delay in responding as this has only just come through to us (posted Nov 2023 we received Jan 2024). I am sorry to read about your experience and the issues which you have encountered. In your post you mention that you accessed the service in March 2023 and you were waiting for a Manager to call you. As your post is anonymous I am not sure if this happened and if your issue was resolved and you got answers to the concerns you raised in your review. You also mention that you have accessed Teen Health and that they were good, this a not a provider that we have heard of, so just want to check that your comment has been posted under the correct CAMHS service so we can we ensure you receive the correct information. We would like to look into this further for you and would ask that you contact Oldham CAMHS 0161 716 2020 and ask to speak to the Operational Manager or you could also contact our PALS and Complaints team who will be able to liaise with the service on your behalf. You can contact the PALS and Complaints team on 0161 716 3178 or via email If your feedback wasn't meant for Oldham CAMHS our PALS team would be able to provide you with the contact details for the relevant PALS service in your area. Kind Regards Pennine Care Patient Feedback Team.

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  4. Review titled dropped me

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 04 January 2023

    i’d like to start by saying that the lady that i had was so kind. however, i was in there for a diagnosis. i got referred by my gp and when the camhs person asked me what i wanted out of the sessions, i specified i wanted a diagnosis and coping mechanisms. i didn’t know what the diagnosis was for, but my main suspicions were autism/depression. not sure if it was both, or just one, or neither. anyway i never got a diagnosis. she said she would do an autism test, yet she never did, despite me asking multiple times. i have very clear symptoms of autism, and it was one of the first things she said. i also opened up to her about s3lf h@rm and feeling pulled into an E D yet we brushed over those topics in a matter of minutes, leaving me with no comfort, no help exept from “remove weighing scales” which i cant do, because my family use them too. the biggest problem however, is i was off school for a week with a really bad flu, and it was a week before my prelims (i’m scottish) anyway, my camhs appointment meant that i would miss maths, the subject i needed most help in, so we asked to reschedule it. they said that we could and they would send us a letter with the date for it. it never came. we rang up about it, but nothing happened. that was in november and it’s now january. i don’t know what else to do, i’m a teenager and have no means of getting any other help. i’m not suicidal, but if i was, and they did this, i can’t imagine the damage it would do.

    Visited November 2022

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    Review titled CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - The Royal Oldham Hospital

    Replied on 23 January 2023

    Thank you for your feedback, we are sorry to hear that your experience was not a good one for you and that your CAMHS appointments have left you with unanswered questions and that you are still awaiting a diagnosis and a test for autism. It would be really good if you could contact the service directly on 0161 716 2020 to discuss the concerns which you have raised and also to highlight that you have still not received your follow up appointment so that this can be rearranged for you. Alternatively you could contact our Patient Advice and Liaison service (PALs) who would more than happy discuss this in more detail with you and speak to the service on your behalf. If you did want to contact the PALs team their number is 0161 716 3178. Kind Regards Kirsty - Patient Feedback Team

    Report as unsuitable

    Provided by Care opinion

  5. Review titled Unfit for Purpose

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 15 June 2022

    I don't even know where to start. Firstly, they discharged my son without even seeing him when he was referred to autism and only accepted him when I made a formal complaint, they then acknowledged that he should not have been discharged at all. My son also mental health issues, and the first appointment I found appalling. The 'mental health practitioner', or whatever title they used, basically told my child that the reason he is depressed is because he spends a lot of time alone. He actually blamed my son for being depressed, honestly I am so angry. The report that came through also said the same. He has recently felt suicidal so again another trip to CAMHS....complete waste of time. He was told they will refer him for group therapy sessions on Microsoft Teams, where apparently everyone just sits around in their PJ'S. I then requested that my son be started on some medication, given that he is getting worse and is suicidal. I was told there is a 1 year waiting list to see a doctor. How can a suicidal child be left to wait a year to see a doctor?! This place needs shutting down.

    Visited June 2022

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - The Royal Oldham Hospital

    Replied on 21 June 2022

    Thank you for taking the time to submit your review. I am really sorry to read about the experience you and your son have had whilst accessing our CAMHS service in Oldham. It would really help us if you could get in touch so that we can look into this further for you and your son and address the concerns which you have raised.You can either call the service directly between 8am and 5pm on 0161 716 2020 or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Team (PALS). Our PALS team can be contacted on 0161 716 3178 or via email at Thanks Kirsty - Patient Feedback Team.

    Report as unsuitable

  6. Review titled What a joke

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 04 May 2023

    Long story short, i was in hospital for an attempt and they called in the cahms workers. 2 people came, 1 worker sat across from me while the other stood in a corner of the room and had a note pad, taking notes i presume. The worker that sat across from me asked me questions about my childhood, about school, and home just the general stuff, which the worker didnt even seemed phased by. The worker didnt ask me why i did what i did, the worker simply sat there saying was this planned or impulse. I said both, not even 5 minutes later they said i was fine to go, even tho i had explicitly told them i was going to do it again, its like they didnt even care and they were just there out of duty. I dont understand why they came because they clearly did not give a care abiut me or my situation, it made me feel as if i didnt do enough or that i was not even good enough to be ill. They even asked me if i wanted attention, ill never forget how they made a very difficult time for me even harder, they didnt help they humilliated me. Cahms is a joke

    Visited June 2022

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    Review titled CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - The Royal Oldham Hospital

    Replied on 30 June 2023

    Thank you for taking the time share your experience, which I appreciate can't have been easy to do. So that we can look into this further for you, it would help us if you could either call Oldham CAMHS team directly on 0161 716 2020 and ask to speak to the Operational Manager or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0161 716 3178 or via email and they will be able to discuss your concerns in more detail and look into this further on your behalf. Kind Regards Patient Feedback Team.

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Information supplied by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust