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Advice for partners

It can be an exciting and scary time waiting to become a parent.

Things are going to be different for you both once the baby arrives, but there are also some changes you can make during the pregnancy.

Supporting your partner during pregnancy

Giving up smoking, cutting out alcohol and having a healthier diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, especially during pregnancy.

As a parent-to-be, you could also make some lifestyle changes to support your partner.

Give up smoking

Now is the perfect time to quit. Secondhand smoke can be harmful for your partner and your unborn baby.

Have a look at these tips and tools to help you quit smoking.

Cut down on alcohol

Cut back on alcohol, or cut it out completely while your partner is pregnant.

Have a look at these tips to help you drink less.

Go to antenatal classes

Go to antenatal classes with your partner. The more you know about what happens during labour and birth, the more support you'll be able to offer.

Plan your route to the hospital or birth centre

Plan your route to the hospital or birth centre. Keep the car topped up with petrol, or have local taxi numbers ready.

If your partner is having a home birth, have the midwife's contact details handy.

Get your admin sorted

Investigate the benefits, childcare vouchers and parental leave you're both entitled to.

Getting this sorted and knowing your budget for the next few months will be much easier before the baby arrives.

Exercise together

Gentle exercise during pregnancy is good and perfectly safe for your partner and baby. Go for gentle walks or a swim together.

Eat healthier food

Eating well is always important, but during pregnancy it can support your partner's health and the health of your baby.

Have a look at our advice on healthy eating during pregnancy.

For advice on how to support your partner during labour and birth, have a look at our tips for birth partners.

After your baby arrives

Once your baby arrives, if your partner is breastfeeding you can make this as restful and comfortable as possible. Glasses of water and healthy snacks will be appreciated!

If your baby is being bottle-fed, you could sterilise the bottles, make up the formula and do some of the feeds.

Have a look at our tips and advice on feeding your baby.

Baby basics

From the essentials of caring for your baby to understanding their sleep, find out all the baby basics you need to know about your newborn.

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