Risk adjusted rate of stroke and/or death within 30 days of carotid endarterectomy

How the data is gathered:

The outcome status is based on a risk adjusted rate that uses statistical techniques to predict how the outcome of treatment is influenced by different patient characteristics. The resulting model is used to remove the effect of these characteristics when the outcomes of health care providers are being compared.

When the data is shown:

It is normal for different clinicians and units to have different results and there is an expected range results can fall in. Sometimes results may fall outside the expected range, which could be an indication that the care provided is either significantly poorer or significantly better than expected. But sometimes these results just happen by chance. Detecting whether a result falls outside the expected range by change or because of a significant reason can be challenging. We want to reduce the times when we identify a unit or individuals results as being outside of the expected range just because of chance.

We can do this by using a wide definition of the expected range. The narrower the definition of the expected range the greater the chance of a result being labelled as outside of it just because of chance.

Audits participating in publication on NHS.uk and My NHS are asked to use statistical analysis to do this.

Where we are able to identify a unit or individuals results as being significantly outside of the expected range using a wide definition, we will show this on the site. We don’t show units or individuals as being outside of the expect range using a narrower definition.

More information about the data source:

Only records that were submitted on the NVR by the data submission deadline are included.

Data Source:

National Vascular Registry

Data Period:

01/01/2015 – 31/12/2017

Further Information:
