Completeness of the GP learning disability register

What this data shows:

The proportion of the population (all ages) that are included on a GP learning disability register

How the data is gathered:

Only around a quarter to a third of the estimated number of people with a learning disability are on a GP register. This means appropriate adjustments to their health care cannot be delivered – for example unless a person is on a GP register they are not eligible for a learning disability annual health check. The purpose of this indicator is to encourage practices to improve coverage on their LD registers, which will enable more people with learning disabilities to benefit from targeted interventions. The numerator is the number of people on a GP learning disability register. The denominator is the total GP list size (all ages).

When the data is shown:

Method of data analysis: Numerator / Denominator * 100

Data Source:

From Prevalence, achievements and exceptions at CCG level: Quality and Outcomes Framework publication. From QOF publication: Learning Disability. Please see Further Information

Data Period:

2017-18 (indicator updated and published annually)

Further Information:

Further information on the purpose, background and construction of this indicator is at - indicator 124c

Data source : published by NHS Digital (QOF)

MyNHS method of data analysis

Numerator / Denominator * 100