Surgeon number of cases

What this data shows:

This number shows the number of elective (planned) colorectal cancer resections performed by the named surgeon over this time period.

How the data is gathered:

The data were extracted from theNational Bowel Cancer Audit whichcollects information about the characteristics, treatment and follow-up of patients with bowel cancer. Colorectal surgeons perform similar operations on patients with non-cancerous conditions of their bowel and so are likely to have performed many more operations than the number listed here.

More information about the data source:

All NHS Trusts are required to send data on all patients they treat for bowel cancer to a central database. These results do not give an indication of the type of patients a surgeon may operate on e.g. some surgeons take on more difficult cases or high risk patients.

Data Source:

National Bowel Cancer Audit

Data Period:

April 2012 to March 2017

Further Information:

Please see ACPGBI website