Digital interactions between primary and secondary care

What this data shows:

The unweighted average of four key measures of use of digital systems between primary and secondary care.

How the data is gathered:

The composite indicator is calculated as an unweighted average of four underlying metrics:• Use of EPS2 (Electronic Prescription Service release 2) (% use of EPS2 by GP practices in a CCG, NHS Digital report)• Use of NHS e-referral system (eRS) (% of elective referrals made electronically through the eRS by GP practices, HSCIC report)The NHS e-Referral Service is a key tool for referrers to be able to offer choice.  Increased utilisation will mean more choices are available to patients. NHS Digital (HSCIC) are working with a small number of CCGs and providers to improve data quality (particularly, but not exclusively, in those areas reporting in excess of 100% utilisation) and will be publishing lessons learned guidance for wider adoption later in 2016/17• Accessing GP summary information across Ambulance, 111 and A&E (proportion of ambulance, 111 and A&E setting accessing Summary Care Records (SCRs) or local systems to access GP summary information across each CCG) (HSCIC report)• At discharge, % of care summaries shared electronically with GPs (captured through Digital Maturity assessments at provider level)

Data Source:

NHS Digital report for EPS2, eRS and SCR/local system usage; Digital Maturity assessment for electronic discharge summaries.

Data Period:

Q4 2016-17

Further Information:

Further information on the purpose, background and construction of this indicator is at  - indicator 144a

Technical Information:

EPS2 – This data is already presented at CCG level, and no further processing is carried out eRS – This data is already presented at CCG level, and no further processing is carried out Electronic access to GP summary records data is a “yes” or “no” for each A&E, 111 and Ambulance provider and will be mapped to CCG level to give a proportion of emergency settings for that CCG with a “yes”. Utilisation of electronic discharge summaries is a % at trust level (in bandings) and will be mapped to CCG level to give a % utilisation of electronic discharge summaries at CCG level. The processing set out above results in a % for each of the four metrics, for each CCG. The composite indicator will be calculated as an unweighted average of the four underlying metrics at CCG level.