Anti-microbial resistance: Appropriate prescribing of broad spectrum antibiotics in primary care

What this data shows:

The number of co-amoxiclav, cephalosporins and quinolones as a percentage of the total number of selected antibiotics prescribed in primary care.

How the data is gathered:

Calculation is based on the following data items:

  • Numerator is the number of prescription items for BNF (sub-section co-amoxiclav), BNF (cephalosporins) and BNF 5.1.12 (quinolones) within the CCG in the previous 12 months.
  • Denominator is the number of antibiotic prescription items for BNF 5.1.1;; 5.1.3; 5.1.5; 5.1.8; 5.1.11; 5.1.12; 5.1.13 prescribed within the CCG in the previous 12 months

For data at CCG level, prescriptions written by a prescriber located in a particular CCG but dispensed outside that CCG are included in the CCG in which the prescriber is based. Prescriptions written in England but dispensed outside England are included. Prescriptions dispensed in hospitals, dental prescribing and private prescriptions are not included in the data. The data is to include prescribing by Out of Hours and Urgent Care services where relevant prescribing data is captured within NHS BSA ePACT2.ISP.

When the data is shown:

Method of data analysis: Numerator divided by denominator The computed figure is extracted from the Antibiotic quality premium monitoring dashboard

Data Source:

Antibiotic quality premium monitoring dashboard, published on the NHS England website (see Further information below)

Data Period:

2019 02

Further Information:

Further information on the purpose, background and construction of this indicator (107b) is at

Data source: