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  1. Colic
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  3. Mastitis
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  6. Sore nipples
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Mastitis makes your breast tissue inflamed and painful. You might notice a lump around the sore area, sometimes the inflammation turns into an infection.

It can make you feel achy and run down, with flu-like symptoms or a fever.

Symptoms of mastitis

Usually, mastitis affects one of your breasts, but can sometimes affect both.

Signs and symptoms of mastitis often develop quickly and can include:

  • a swollen area on your breast that may feel sore breasts that feel swollen, hot and painful to touch – you may also have red patches, but redness can be harder to see on brown and black skin
  • a burning pain in your breast - you may feel this only when breastfeeding or it may be constant
  • nipple discharge, which may be white or contain streaks of blood
  • a lump or hard area on your breast
  • feeling tired, run down and feverish – you may have flu-like symptoms

Did you know?

Mastitis mainly affects breastfeeding women, usually within the first 3 months of giving birth – but you can also get it if you are not breastfeeding (due to an infection in the breast).

Causes of mastitis

If you're breastfeeding, mastitis is usually caused when the milk in your breast builds up faster than it's being removed.

This creates a blockage in your milk ducts and can be brought on by:

  • your baby not latching on properly
  • missing feeds, or not feeding often enough
  • feeding from 1 breast more often than the other
  • an injury that damages a milk duct or gland

If you are not breastfeeding, mastitis can be caused by infection. The infection could happen if your nipples are sore or cracked, or through a nipple piercing.

How long does mastitis last?

If you catch the early signs of mastitis, it's quick and easy to treat.

If your symptoms do not get better 12 to 24 hours after treating it at home, go and see your GP.

Your GP may prescribe a course of antibiotics, which should clear up the infection in a few days.

Treating mastitis

The main thing is to continue breastfeeding, even though it may be painful. By stopping breastfeeding, the blockage will get worse.

Even if you do have an infection, breastfeeding won't harm your baby (although your milk may taste a little salty).


  • breastfeed your baby when they want and for as long as they want

  • offer your baby a breastfeed if your breasts are uncomfortably full

  • make sure your baby is positioned and attached properly. If you need help, ask your midwife, health visitor or a breastfeeding specialist

  • medication such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can reduce pain – although some paracetamol can enter your breast milk, it's not enough to harm your baby

  • a cloth soaked in warm water and applied to the breast (or a shower or bath) may improve milk flow

  • breast pain may be soothed using a cold compress - you can use a cloth soaked in cold water

  • drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest


  • do not wear tight, restrictive clothes and bras that can restrict milk flow

  • do not take aspirin

  • do not stop breastfeeding suddenly – find out how to stop breastfeeding

  • do not apply oils, soaks or creams to your breast

  • do not express more milk than your baby needs

  • do not apply firm pressure to the breast - any pressure should be gentle

Preventing mastitis

Once it's diagnosed, mastitis is quick and easy to treat. But remember, prevention is better than cure.

The following tips may help reduce the risk of developing mastitis:

  • if possible, breastfeed exclusively (avoid using first infant formula to top up, or a dummy)
  • feed frequently and responsively – long gaps in between feeds can create a build-up of breast milk
  • encourage your baby to feed if you feel your breasts are getting full
  • make sure your baby latches on properly – try different breastfeeding positions to work out which is most comfortable
  • wait for your baby to finish feeding – usually, they'll release when they're finished
  • when you want to stop breastfeeding, try cutting down your feeds gradually – do not suddenly go longer between feeds
  • avoid wearing a bra or clothing that is too tight and puts pressure on your breasts

Breastfeeding Friend from Start for Life

The Breastfeeding Friend, a digital tool from Start for Life, has lots of useful information and expert advice to share with you – and because it's a digital tool, you can access it 24/7.

Help and support

For confidential breastfeeding information and support, call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212.

Lines are open 9:30am to 9:30pm every day.