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Helping your baby sleep

You’ll soon learn what your baby needs to help them sleep. You may find a warm bath, a feed or a lullaby helps them fall asleep in the evening.

Here are some tips on sleep and coping with tiredness.

Allow yourself time to adjust

In the early days, try not to worry if you find your baby does not settle in their Moses basket or cot. It's very common for them to fall asleep while being held and then wake when they are down in their cot – they just want to be near you.

Allow yourself time to adjust to life with your newborn in the first few weeks. This is more important than worrying about what you should or should not be doing.

Twins (or multiples) and sleeping

The Twins Trust has lots of useful information on what to expect in terms of co-bedding, sleep needs and patterns, as well as important information about keeping your babies safe during their sleep.

They also offer online courses (have a look at their sleep course), their online community where you can connect with other parents and their Twinline telephone helpline for free support.

More advice can be found on twins and sleep on the NHS website. It includes ways to encourage your babies to sleep and the types of issues you may experience.


Lack of sleep can make you feel physically and emotionally drained.

Feeling exhausted can make getting through the day feel challenging and overwhelming. Try to remember that this stage will not last forever.

During this period of disturbed sleep, try to:

  • sleep or rest whenever your baby sleeps
  • accept (or ask) for help from friends and family
  • ignore any non-essential jobs around the house
  • eat a healthy, balanced diet – aim to have 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day
  • go outside for a walk and some fresh air

It is completely normal for parents to feel exhausted in the first weeks or months after having a baby.

It may feel like you'll never get a good night's sleep again, but things will improve.

Tips from other parents

It can be helpful to hear how others cope with tiredness, so have a look at:

Try not to worry – as your baby grows and sleeps for longer, you'll start to feel more like your old self.

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