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You and your baby at 7 weeks pregnant

Your baby at 7 weeks

By 7 weeks, the embryo has grown to about 10mm long from head to bottom. This measurement is called the crown-rump length.

The brain is growing rapidly and this results in the head growing faster than the rest of the body. The embryo has a large forehead, and the eyes and ears continue to develop.

The inner ears start to develop, but the outer ears on the sides of the head will not appear for a couple more weeks.

The limb buds start to form cartilage, which will develop into the bones of the legs and arms. The arm buds get longer and the ends flatten out – these will become the hands.

Nerve cells continue to multiply and develop as the brain and spinal cord (the nervous system) starts to take shape.

You at 7 weeks

Your womb has grown to the size of a lemon by the time you're around 7 or 8 weeks pregnant.

You're probably feeling tired. Your breasts might feel sore and enlarged, and you may need to pee more often than usual.

You may start to feel sick or tired, or have other minor pregnancy problems for a few weeks around this time.

In most cases, feelings of nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) start to improve after around 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Some infections can harm a pregnancy. It's important to let your doctor or midwife know if you think you may have an infection so they can give you the right care as early as possible.

Find out about infections that may cause problems in pregnancy

You may have bleeding or sore gums when you're pregnant. Good mouth hygiene and regular dental care, to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible, is the best way to avoid or care for gum problems.

Dental care is free during pregnancy and until 1 year after your due date. Ask your midwife or doctor about how to apply for free dental care.

Things to think about

Start4Life has more about you and your baby at 7 weeks of pregnancy

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Video: What will happen to my body during pregnancy?

In this video, mothers talk about how they dealt with some of the physical changes during pregnancy.

Media last reviewed: 15 March 2023
Media review due: 15 March 2026

Page last reviewed: 12 October 2021
Next review due: 12 October 2024