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Contact your GP surgery

You may be able to contact your GP surgery using NHS App, or by logging in through the NHS website.

If this is available through your surgery, you will see one or both of the following options on the Services page:

  • contact your GP about a health problem
  • contact your GP surgery for a document or update

Contact your GP about a health problem

You can use this service to tell your GP surgery about non-urgent health symptoms. Your surgery may then offer you an appointment or another type of support that best meets your needs.

Most GP surgeries use an online form or questionnaire. Once you have submitted the details, a GP will review them and you will get a response from your surgery. They may respond by phone, email or a message in the NHS App.

Contact your GP surgery for a document or update

If your GP surgery offers this service, you can use it to send an administrative request. For example, some surgeries have forms that allow you to ask for a fit note (sick note), test results or other information.

Replies from your GP surgery

Your GP surgery may respond by phone, by email, or through a message in the NHS App.

Depending on your GP surgery, on the Messages page of the NHS App, you may have an inbox with the title Replies to your GP requests. Your GP surgery may send a response there.

How these services are provided

Your GP surgery may have a contract with one or more providers to help them deliver these services. The providers are commercial organisations. They provide the technology that makes the services work, on behalf of your GP surgery.

Collectively these services are sometimes called “online consultations” by medical staff. You can find out more in the online consultations privacy policy.

Page last reviewed: 2 January 2024
Next review due: 2 July 2025