Safe staffing

What this data shows:

This measure shows the overall average percentage of planned day and night hours for registered and Unregistered care staff and midwifes in hospitals which are filled.

How the data is gathered:

This indicator is the average of four from the hospital level indicators published which are:

  • Percentage of registered nurse day hours filled as planned (Hospital)
  • Percentage of unregistered care staff day hours filled as planned (Hospital)
  • Percentage of registered nurse night hours filled as planned (Hospital)
  • Percentage of unregistered care staff night hours filled as planned (Hospital)
  • The value may be greater than 100%. This will occur when the actual staffing number is higher than the planned.This may be because there are a lot of patients on the ward who need extra care due to their physical or mental health condition.

More information about the data source:

For further information about safe staffing levels visit the website

Data Source:

NHS Improvement

Data Period:

Monthly May 18

Further Information:

The registered nurse is a member of the registered nursing or midwifery staff on the duty rota dedicated to the inpatient wards. This includes supervisory ward manager. The Unregistered care staff is a member of staff on the duty rota dedicated to the inpatient wards with delegated responsibility from a registered nurse. Examples would be nursing assistants, midwifery assistants, health care assistants, support workers, auxiliary nurses, and assistant practitioners. Student nurses are not included.