Recommended by staff

What this data shows:

This indicator is based on the NHS Staff Survey, and shows how likely the staff at the hospital would be to recommend the hospital to someone if they needed care or treatment.

For more details, view the latest NHS Staff Survey.

How the data is gathered:

On this site we show the percentage of staff working at the trust that runs this hospital who agreed they would be happy with the standard of care provided by the organisation if a friend or relative needed treatment.

We show the percentage of respondents who either “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement: “If a friend or relative needed treatment, I would be happy with the standard of care provided by this organisation”.

We display icons to show whether the percentage value for a hospital is particularly good or bad, or is within the expected range of performance, compared with other hospitals.

If the percentage score is within the highest 20% of scores, we say it is “among the best”. If it is within the lowest 20% of scores, we say it is “among the worst”. Otherwise, we say it is “within the expected range”.

When the data is shown:

The results shown here have been adjusted slightly to balance out differences between hospitals in the number of employees in each occupation group.

Data Source:

Picker Institute

Data Period:

Annual 2022

Data Supplier:

Picker Institue

Further Information:

For further information about the National Staff Surveys covering NHS Trusts visit the NHS Staff Survey website.