Case complexity index (Posterior Capsular Rupture)

What this data shows:

This is the overall predicted probability of PCR occurring based on the supplied case complexity data.

How the data is gathered:

This estimate is derived from the supplied case complexity data, if a centre does not accurately record the case complexity data for their operations this will impact on this estimate.

When the data is shown:

As the estimate is the overall probability of PCR occurring, and is derived from the supplied case complexity data, this can be interpreted as the higher the value, the more complex the surgery a centre or surgeon has performed.

More information about the data source:

The data presented have been collected by NHS trusts and Independent Sector Treatment Centres (ISTC) providing NHS funded cataract surgery in England and submitted to the National Ophthalmology Database (NOD) Audit for analysis.

Data Source:

Trust electronic medical record (EMR) systems: e.g. Medisoft, OpenEyes, EPIC and in-house databases compliant with the RCOphth national cataract dataset.

Data Period:

01 September 2016 to 31 August 2017

Data Supplier:

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ National Ophthalmology Database (NOD) Audit

Further Information: