Satisfaction with care and support: users of care

What this data shows:

This shows how many users of care are satisfied with their care and support

How the data is gathered:

This measure is taken from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) and is published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre. This data shows the proportion of users of care and support services who said they were 'extremely satisfied' or 'very satisfied' with their care and support. This measure is based on responses to the Adult Social Care Survey, which asks how satisfied or dissatisfied users are with the care and support services they receive. A higher score is better.

Where n/a appears, this indicates that there is no data available for this measure. Where n/a appears across all ASCOF measures for a council, this indicates that the council does not have responsibility for adult social services. To find the council with responsibility for adult social services in your area, please search by your postcode.

Data Source:

NHS Digital

Data Period:

Annual 2016/17

Further Information:

Only a sample of users of social care in each authority has been surveyed for this measure. This measure is a percentage.

You can read more about the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework at the ASCOF website.