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Health things you should know in pregnancy

There are things you can do, and things you can avoid, to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible in pregnancy.

Go to your pregnancy (antenatal) appointments

It's important not to miss any of your antenatal appointments. These appointments are part of your NHS pregnancy journey.

The tests, scans and checks you'll have help look after the health of you and your baby.

Some of the tests and measurements that can find potential problems have to be done at specific times of your pregnancy, which is why you have appointments at certain weeks.

There are also things you can do to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible in pregnancy.



Not smoking



Not all medicines are safe to take when you're pregnant. This includes prescribed medicines and medicines you can buy in a pharmacy or shop.


Check with a doctor, pharmacist or midwife before you take any medicines when you're pregnant.

If you're already taking prescribed medicine, do not stop taking your medicine without talking to your doctor first.

Find out more about medicines in pregnancy.


Protect against getting ill

Baby movements

Your mental wellbeing

Your dental health

You're entitled to free NHS dental treatment if you're pregnant when you start your treatment and for 12 months after your baby is born.

To get free NHS dental treatment, you must have a valid maternity exemption certificate (MatEx) issued by your midwife or GP.

Sleeping well


Deep vein thrombosis (blood clots)

X-rays during pregnancy

For all X-rays, you should let the hospital know if you're pregnant.

X-rays are not usually recommended during pregnancy unless it's an emergency

Cervical screening during pregnancy

You will not usually need to have cervical screening if you're pregnant, or could be pregnant, until at least 12 weeks after you've given birth. This is because pregnancy can make it harder to get clear results.

If you're already pregnant and due for a cervical screening test then tell the GP or clinic.

You will usually be advised to reschedule the test for a date around 12 weeks after your baby is born.

If you've previously had an abnormal result from a cervical screening test, you may need to be screened while you're pregnant. Your GP or midwife may ask you to have a cervical screening test at your first antenatal appointment. This test will not affect your pregnancy.

What if I have a health condition?

If you have a health condition, for example, diabetes or asthma, it can affect your pregnancy. Pregnancy can also affect any conditions you have.


Do not stop taking your medicine until you've talked to your doctor.

Fake tan in pregnancy

Fake tan creams are generally thought to be safe to use in pregnancy. Test them on a small area of skin first and follow the instructions.

Avoid using spray tans, as the effects of breathing in the spray are not known.

Do not use tanning pills as they contain ingredients that may be toxic to an unborn baby.

Paint fumes in pregnancy

There is little evidence on the safety of paint fumes during pregnancy, so it’s best to avoid being around them if possible.

If you do paint:

  • avoid solvent-based paint or spray paint, as they contain solvents
  • avoid stripping old paintwork as it may contain traces of lead

Solvents and lead can be harmful.

Saunas, hot tubs and steam rooms in pregnancy

Little is known about the safety of saunas, hot tubs and steam rooms in pregnancy.

You may choose to avoid them because of the risks of overheating, dehydration and fainting, particularly in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

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Page last reviewed: 26 July 2022
Next review due: 26 July 2025