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Springhead Health

Fleet Health Campus, Vale Road, Northfleet, Gravesend, DA11 8BZ

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Displaying 21 to 30 of 39

  1. Review titled this gp surgery has improved massively

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 12 July 2023

    gone are the old days of no appointments this surgery has made massive improvements over the last year or so staff are friendly and helpful keep up the good work! and most of all thankyou

    Visited July 2023

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 13 July 2023

    Dear Patient, Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. It is good to hear the improved measures implemented by the surgery are starting to show and impact our patients in a positive way. I will share this review with the entire team. Thank you. Kate, Patient Engagement Lead

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  2. Review titled Improved practice

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 03 July 2023

    Many months ago I gave a bad review of this practice but in my experience it seems to have improved dramatically. Being able to get an appointment to come in on the morning I made it on two occasions over the last fortnight has been a pleasant surprise. The callback idea was never workable this approach definitely is.

    Visited July 2023

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 05 July 2023

    Dear Patient, Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback. I am pleased to hear that you have seen an improvement in the service you have received. We accept we have areas that require improvement but we have a dedicated team who are working hard to make those important changes. It's really good to hear that the changes are being noticed and have a positive impact on our patients. Thanks again. Kate, Patient Engagement Lead

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  3. Review titled A great improvement

    Rated 4 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 27 July 2023

    I went today to have a blood test, while I was there I booked an injection and blood test for my husband, each member of staff I encountered was friendly and helpful. A definite improvement today.

    Visited July 2023

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 31 July 2023

    Dear Patient, Thank you for taking the time to share your positive feedback. I am really happy to hear you have seen an improvement in the services we are providing. I will share this with the entire team. Thank you again. Kate, Patient Engagement Lead

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  4. Review titled Excellent vaccination service

    Rated 4 stars out of 5

    by Chrissie Pountain - Posted on 14 June 2023

    Just wanted to praise your two nurses who gave us pneumonia and shingles injections. They were both relaxed and professional which made the visit quite enjoyable, feeling we were being well looked after in a friendly atmosphere. We were also advised that a new scheme is being set up to invite patients for Covid boosters when they become eligible so we hope this works well for your lovely nurses and ourselves.

    Visited June 2023

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 15 June 2023

    Dear Chrissie, Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience. I am glad to hear our nurses made your visit an enjoyable one. I have passed this lovely feedback to them directly. Thank you again for taking the time to leave your review. Kate, Patient Engagement Lead

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  5. Review titled Excellent staff

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Mary-Rose Ellis - Posted on 10 May 2023

    I have had reason for frequent visits to the surgery in recent months. I have nothing but praise for all the staff from the nurses, doctors and also receptionists. I have needed quite a lot of assistance and treatment and at all times have been treated with courtesy, care and respect and made to feel like nothing was too much trouble and I was not being a nuisance so a massive thanks to all

    Visited May 2023

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 11 May 2023

    Dear Mary-Rose, Thank you for taking the time to leave your positive feedback. It's great to hear you have had a good experience each time you have had to visit the surgery. I have shared with your comments with the team. Kate - Patient Engagement Lead

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  6. Review titled Atrocious

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by David Rolfe - Posted on 08 June 2023

    After months of continual cock-ups with prescriptions with the automatic 'Batch' service I have come off of that before I blew a fuse. I ordered my repeat prescriptions online last Friday and got a reply stating they would be at my chemist in 3 days. They are still not there and I have run out. Care to tell me why?

    Visited May 2023

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 15 June 2023

    Dear David, Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry to hear you have had issues/delay with your prescriptions. I recognize this may have caused you stress and inconvenience, for this I am sorry. I will look into this further and update you directly. Kate, Patient Engagement Lead

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  7. Review titled Dreadful practice

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Michelle nash - Posted on 08 March 2023

    Absolutely shocking practice, prescription clerks are totally inapt. My husband and I have lots of medications and for the past 9 months there have been constant problems. I think it's disgusting how this surgery can play games with people's mental health and pain medications. I put a prescription in on 27/2/23 for my husband and its still not ready. This surgery needs a complete overhaul of their prescription clerks. Not impressed at all

    Visited February 2023

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 10 March 2023

    Dear Michelle, Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry to hear you are having issues with prescriptions. The team are currently up to date with the requests. I will look further into this using the details you have provided and come back to you with a clearer response. Kate, Patient Engagement Lead

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  8. Review titled Problem sorted

    Rated 4 stars out of 5

    by Sandra - Posted on 21 January 2023

    Most of my repeat medications are on the Batch Repeat section of ordering my prescription. Though one item is a Controlled Drug so up until now I have ordered via email to the Team at the Surgery. Even though notes are on my records not to order a particular brand as it is not suitable to my skin, and I don't want waste my time and that of the Surgery sorting it, I sometimes receive the wrong medication and thus then takes time to sort. Which is both frustrating to myself and the team. This last time it happened I contacted a lady at the Surgery who spent a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of the occasional error at the Surgery end. She then requested that the Controlled Drug be put on the repeat section of the app for me to be able to request whenever it is needed. If this lady hadn't been so helpful in getting it sorted it could have gone on and caused more issues. This lady has been so helpful, she is a voice of calm whenever something goes wrong . A lady who is a credit to the Surgery

    Visited January 2023

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 30 January 2023

    Dear Sandra, Thank you for taking the time to leave such lovely feedback. I am glad you were happy with the service and support you received. Kate, Patient Engagement Lead

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  9. Review titled A tale of 2 different Receptionists

    Rated 4 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 11 January 2023

    I had ordered my cd repeat at the beginning of the week. When told it was sent to my Pharmacy I realised I had been given a medication that I could not use successfully. I sent an email firstly then followed it with a call. The receptionist was quite adamant that she could not look at my records to help with error, I do know these things can happen, but I just needed it sorted asap. She suggested several ways of sorting it out, emailing the team (I had), leaving a message on button 1 (I did this after the call, but was worried they wouldn't get it in time) or to go down to the surgery to fill out a form!!!. In the past other Receptionists have sorted it out!! But not this person, Then I asked to be put through to a member of the management team. I was told she could not do that, so I then asked for her to send them a message to contact me asap. She said she could do that. It was a very frustrating call, nothing was achieved apart from my bp getting higher. After a couple of hours I thought I'd try again. This time I spoke with a Receptionist who was so helpful. Completely different to the earlier team member, this lady even rang me back to say that the correct script had been signed off by the Doctor and sent to my nominated pharmacy. What a very great team member. Such a shame the first receptionist couldn't have been as helpful.

    Visited January 2023

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 30 January 2023

    Dear Patient, Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback. I am sorry the service you received wasn't consistent. I am glad to hear your issue was resolved in the end. Please could I have further details to look into this. Please email Thank you. Kate, Patient Engagement Lead

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  10. Review titled Over extended

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 19 December 2022

    While the customer service reps on phone duty are doing their best to sort out issues and appts. with a sincere effort, it feels as if there is an issue with over-extending available time and too msny registered patients and, also, apprehensuon or avoidance in utilizing outside support, such as the orthopedic triage unit, when that referral might help a patient in need of more immediate assistance. There also appears to be issues with the data base system as in conversation with phone assistance, appts. were missing from the on-line view, as was other data. This includes presciption requests our case, 3 emails were sent but no visible recording of them, and a controlled drug that must be taken regularly was unavailable for 16 days, resulting in symptoms of withdrawal. A final exampke of the overwhelmed business side was a need for BP medicine prior to an outpatient surgical procedure but an appt. unavailable for 10 days, a phone consult, and medication delayed. Possibly the area we live within is experiencing issues due to the influx of immigrants fleeing countries of war but it seems as if this practice is overburdened with a high number of patiebts and the business management side seems in a strong need of the computer system reviewed for more real-time availability of current information and a need to review why the system is not operating in a closed loop flow within all areas of the practice. We are actually afraid of ending up with life threatening health issues and not being able to assertively express the issues enough to expedite help and for the overwhelmed team to respond to the needs. In all areas of life, most people truly care but there has to be available tools and time and manpower hours to help. It seems a universal concern. Have a blessed holiday season.

    Visited December 2022

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    Review titled Springhead Health

    Replied on 28 December 2022

    Dear Patient, Thank you for your feedback. There are many challenges and outside factors that impact the day to day running of the surgery. There is a high demand, even more so around this time of year with the winter pressures. We are always looking for ways to improve our appointment availability. We are currently trialing a new appointment layout that enables us to separate acute on the day issues from Chronic/Long term conditions. If you would like to discuss further, please email Thank you. Kate - Patient Engagement Lead.

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