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Search results for children and babies

  • Newborn blood spot cards explained

    What happens to your baby's blood spot card once they've been tested and how blood spot cards can be used for research to help improve screening.

  • Formula milk: common questions

    Information and advice on formula feeding, including how much formula to give your baby, how many wet nappies they should have and how to handle feeds away from home.

  • Rhesus disease - Symptoms

    Rhesus disease only affects the baby, and the mother won't experience any symptoms. Around 50% of babies have mild symptoms that are easily treatable.

  • Rhesus disease - Diagnosis

    Rhesus disease is usually diagnosed during the routine screening tests you're offered during pregnancy.

  • Rashes in babies and children

    NHS information on common rashes in babies and children, such as chickenpox, eczema, impetigo, ringworm, scabies, slapped cheek syndrome and more.

  • Breath-holding in babies and children

    Find out about breath-holding in babies and children, including when to get medical help, what happens during an episode and what to do.

  • Baby and toddler meal ideas

    Try our great meal ideas to give your older baby or toddler a healthy, well-balanced diet.

  • Medicines for babies and children

    Read about which medicines to use when your baby or toddler is unwell and how to use them safely, including antibiotics, ibuprofen and paracetamol.

  • Is your baby or toddler seriously ill?

    How to recognise warning signs of serious illness in children under 5, such as cold hands and feet, rapid breathing, or mottled skin. Plus, advice on when to call an ambulance or take your child to A&E.

  • Baby and toddler safety

    Safety for babies, including preventing falls, burns and scalds, choking and suffocation, strangulation, drowning and poisoning.