Care Quality Commission Inspection ratings

What this data shows:

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator for health and social care in England. The CQC monitors, regulates and inspects services based on how well treatment, care and support are provided to patients. Services regulated cover GPs, dentists, ambulances, mental health services but also care homes and home care services. Learn more about the CQC

On this site you can view the overall CQC score a service received on its most recent inspection. Note: we display two different CQC rating systems on this site. In October 2014 the CQC changed their rating system. Any service that hasn’t been inspected since the change will display the old rating. All other services will display the new CQC ratings.

CQC ratings pre-October 2014

Green tick – Assessed as meeting all CQC standards

Exclamation mark – Not meeting all CQC standards

Exclamation mark – Enforcement action being taken

CQC ratings post October 2014

Outstanding – the service is performing exceptionally well

Good – the services is performing well and meets CQCs expectations

Requires Improvement – The service is performing as well as it should and CQC has told the services how it should improve

Inadequate – the service is performing badly and CQC has taken action against the person or organisation that runs it

How the data is gathered:

Not all services will have a rating. Sometimes this is because a new style inspection has yet to be carried out or there was not enough evidence to rate while in other cases it’s because it has been suspended whilst CQC responds to an appeal or completes a review. On this website, these appear as ‘No rating’.

Each type of service regulated by the CQC is bringing in ratings at a different time, with pilot inspections first taking place.

The ratings on this website are the overall ones for the relevant care service (for example, a hospital) but there are more detailed ratings available on the CQC website broken down by care or treatments provided by a service.

The inspections address 5 key areas:

  • Are they safe?
  • Are they effective?
  • Are they caring?
  • Are they responsive to people's needs?
  • Are they well-led?

You can read all the inspection reports for a service by clicking on the ‘Visit CQC profile’ link which is displayed under the rating on this site. You may find this particularly useful where a service is listed as ‘No rating’.

Data Source:

Care Quality Commission

Data Period:


Further Information:

More information about How CQC inspects, regulates and rates services.