Percentage of patients waiting less than 18 weeks

What this data shows:

This measure shows the percentage of patients waiting to start treatment who were waiting less than 18 weeks at the end of the reporting period.

The NHS England operational standard is that 92% of patients on incomplete pathways should have been waiting no more than 18 weeks from referral.

How the data is gathered:

Incomplete pathways represent those patients who have been referred on to consultant-led referral to treatment (RTT) pathways, but whose treatment had not yet started at the end of the reporting period.

The volume of incomplete pathways is often referred to as the size of the RTT waiting list.

These patients will be at various stages of their pathway, for example, waiting for diagnostics, an appointment with a consultant, or for admission for a procedure. RTT data is collected from NHS providers (NHS Trusts and other providers) and signed off by commissioners.

This data is collected and published by NHS England each month

More information about the data source:

For further information about RTT waiting times visit the website

Data Period:

Monthly, snapshot as at July 2019

Data Supplier:

NHS England

Further Information:

This data relates to the Trust that the hospital is part of.  Some Trusts were unable to submit data on incomplete RTT pathways.