People with urgent GP referral having 1st definitive treatment for cancer within 62 days of referral

What this data shows:

Measures the proportion of people with an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer that began their first definitive treatment within 62 days

How the data is gathered:

"The indicator is a core delivery indicator that spans the whole pathway from referral to first treatment covering the length of time from urgent GP referral, first outpatient appointment, decision to treat and finally first definitive treatment.

The numerator is the number of people with an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer who received first treatment for cancer within 62 days in the reporting period.

The denominator is the total number of people with an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer who were treated in the reporting period.

The operational standard is a published figure of 85% against which CCGs are measured.

When the data is shown:

Method of data analysis: The calculation is the proportion (as a %) of people with an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer that began their first definitive treatment within 62 days.

More information about the data source:

For further information about safe staffing levels visit the website NHS England Statistics: , derived from Cancer Waiting Times Database (CWT-Db)

Data Source:

NHS England Statistics <a> href=""></a> derived from Cancer Waiting Times Database (CWT-Db)

Data Period:

18-19 Q4 (indicator updated and published quarterly)

Further Information:

Further information on the purpose, background and construction of this indicator (122b) is at